앨범 정보
Lully, J.-B.: Thesee (Opera) (Boston Early Music Festival, Stubbs)
Various Artists
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- CD1
- 17
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 3: Est-Ce Aux Atheniens, Est-Ce Au Party Contraire (Aegle, Cleone)
- Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Sheehan,Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Amanda Forsythe
- 18
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 3: Il Faut Perir, Il Faut Perir (Warriors)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Paul O'Dette,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Stephen Stubbs
- 19
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 4: Le Ciel Ne Veut-Il Point Mettre Fin A Nos Peines? (Aegle, Arcas, Cleone)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Sheehan
- 20
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 5: Laissons Aller La Princesse (Cleone, Arcas)
- Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Engebreth,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus
- 21
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 5: Avancons, Avancons; Que Rien Ne Nous Estonne (Warriors)
- Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth
- 22
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 6: Prions, Prions La Deesse (High Priestess Of Minerva, Aegle, Cleone)
- Amanda Forsythe,Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Sheehan,Aaron Engebreth
- 23
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 6: Mourez, Mourez, Perfides Coeurs (Warriors, High Priestess Of Minerva, Aegle, Cleone)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Engebreth,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs
- 24
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 6: O Minerve! Arrestez La Cruelle Furie (High Priestess Of Minerva, Aegle, Cleone)
- Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe
- 25
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 6: Liberte, Liberte (Warriors)
- Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
- 26
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 6: Prelude
- Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Amanda Forsythe,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus
- 27
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 7: Les Mutins Sont Vaincus (King Of Athens, High Priestess Of Minerva, Attendants)
- Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Engebreth,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Sheehan
- 28
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 8: Cessez, Charmante Aegle, De Repandre Des Larmes (King Of Athens, Aegle)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Amanda Forsythe,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Paul O'Dette
- 29
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 9: Prelude: Le Sacrifice
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Sheehan
- 30
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 9: Cet Empire Puissant Que Vostre Soin Conserve (High Priestess Of Minerva, Chorus Of Priestesses)
- Paul O'Dette,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Sheehan
- 31
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 9: March
- Aaron Sheehan,Aaron Engebreth,Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Amanda Forsythe,Stephen Stubbs
- 32
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 10: O Minerve Scavante! (High Priestess Of Minerva, Chorus)
- Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Paul O'Dette,Amanda Forsythe
- 33
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 10: Entrance Of Warriors
- Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
- 34
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 10: Que La Guerre Sanglante (Chorus, High Priestess Of Minerva)
- Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Amanda Forsythe
- 35
Lully: Thesee - Act I Scene 10: La Marche Pour L'Entr'Acte
- Amanda Forsythe,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Stephen Stubbs
- CD2
- 01
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 1: Doux Repos, Innocente Paix (Medee, Dorine)
- Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Sheehan,Aaron Engebreth,Amanda Forsythe,Stephen Stubbs
- 02
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 2: Je Voy Le Succes Favorable (King Of Athens, Medee, Attendants Of The King)
- Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Sheehan
- 03
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 3: Seignur, Songez A Vous (Arcas, King Of Athens)
- Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Stephen Stubbs,Paul O'Dette,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan
- 04
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 4: Demeure, Escoute Un Mot, Arcas (Dorine, Arcas)
- Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Sheehan,Aaron Engebreth,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Stephen Stubbs
- 05
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 5: C'Est Donc La Tout Le Prix D'Une Amour Trop Sincere (Dorine)
- Stephen Stubbs,Paul O'Dette,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Engebreth
- 06
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 6: Regnez, Heros Indomptable (Chorus, Dorine)
- Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe
- 07
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 6: Premier Air Pour L'Entree Triomphante De Thesee
- Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Amanda Forsythe
- 08
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 7: Que L'On Doit Estre (Chorus, 2 Old Athenian Men)
- Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus
- 09
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 7: Second Air And Pour Le Peu De Bon Temps (2 Old Athenian Men)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Engebreth,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus
- 10
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 7: C'Est Assez, Amis, C'Est Assez (Thesee)
- Paul O'Dette,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Stephen Stubbs
- 11
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 8: Thesee Ou Courez-Vous? (Medee, Thesee)
- Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Sheehan,Aaron Engebreth,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra
- 12
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 9: Depit Mortel, Transport Jaloux (Medee)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Engebreth,Paul O'Dette
- 13
Lully: Thesee - Act Ii Scene 9: Air Pour L'Entr'Acte
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe,Paul O'Dette
- 14
Lully: Thesee - Act Iii Scene 1: Vous Allez Voir Bien-Tost (Aegle, Cleone)
- Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Amanda Forsythe
- 15
Lully: Thesee - Act Iii Scene 2: Le Roy M'Ordonne De Vous Dire (Arcas, Aegle, Cleone)
- Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Paul O'Dette,Amanda Forsythe
- 16
Lully: Thesee - Act Iii Scene 3: Princesse, Savez-Vous Ce Que Peut Ma Colere (Medee, Aegle)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Sheehan,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Engebreth,Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe
- 17
Lully: Thesee - Act Iii Scene 3: Prelude
- Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Paul O'Dette
- 18
Lully: Thesee - Act Iii Scene 4: Dieux! Ou Sommes-Nous! (Aegle, Cleone, Arcas)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Sheehan,Paul O'Dette,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Engebreth
- 19
Lully: Thesee - Act Iii Scene 5: Contre Ce Monstre Qui M'Allarme (Cleone, Arcas, Dorine)
- Amanda Forsythe,Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan
- 20
Lully: Thesee - Act Iii Scene 6: Qu'On Ne Me Trouble Point (Medee, Cleone, Arcas)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Sheehan,Aaron Engebreth,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs
- 21
Lully: Thesee - Act Iii Scene 6: Invocation: Ritournelle
- Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan
- 22
Lully: Thesee - Act Iii Scene 7: Sortez, Ombres, Sortez De La Nuit Eternelle (Medee, Chorus Of The Inhabitants Of Hell, Chorus)
- Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Sheehan,Aaron Engebreth,Paul O'Dette,Amanda Forsythe,Stephen Stubbs
- 23
Lully: Thesee - Act Iii Scene 8: Que Tous Fremisse (Aegle, The Shadows)
- Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Sheehan,Aaron Engebreth,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Stephen Stubbs
- CD3
- 01
Lully: Thesee - Act Iv Scene 1: Cruelle, Ne Voulez-Vous Pas (Aegle, Medee)
- Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth
- 02
Lully: Thesee - Act Iv Scene 2: Quel Spectacle Vient Me Surpendre? (Aegle, Medee)
- Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Engebreth,Amanda Forsythe
- 03
Lully: Thesee - Act Iv Scene 3: Faut-Il Voir Contre May Tous Les Enfers Armez? (Aegle, Medee)
- Paul O'Dette,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth
- 04
Lully: Thesee - Act Iv Scene 3: Ritournelle
- Aaron Sheehan,Aaron Engebreth,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs
- 05
Lully: Thesee - Act Iv Scene 4: Voyez Ce Que J'Ay Soin De Faire (Medee, Thesee)
- Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Sheehan,Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus
- 06
Lully: Thesee - Act Iv Scene 5: Aegle Ne M'Ayme Plus (Aegle, Thesee)
- Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe
- 07
Lully: Thesee - Act Iv Scene 6: Finissez Vos Regrets, C'Est Trop (Medee, Aegle, Thesee)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Engebreth,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe
- 08
Lully: Thesee - Act Iv Scene 7: Que Nos Prairies (2 Shepherdesses)
- Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe
- 09
Lully: Thesee - Act Iv Scene 7: Aimons Tout Nous Y Convie (2 Other Shepherdesses)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Engebreth,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Sheehan
- 10
Lully: Thesee - Act Iv Scene 7: Quel Plaisir D'Aimer (One Of The Inhabitants Of The Enchanted Island, Chorus)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Paul O'Dette,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Stephen Stubbs
- 11
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 1: Ah! Faut-Il Me Vanger (Medee)
- Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Stephen Stubbs
- 12
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 2: Que Thesee Est Content (Dorine, Medee)
- Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Paul O'Dette
- 13
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 3: Ce Vase Par Mes Soins Vient D'Estre Empoisonne (Medee, King Of Athens)
- Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs
- 14
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 4: Ne Craignez Rien Parfaits Amants (King Of Athens, Medee, Chorus)
- Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Engebreth,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus
- 15
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 4: Oublions Le Passe, Ma Colere Est Finie (King Of Athens, Thesee)
- Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Engebreth,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe
- 16
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 5: Ah! Perfide Medee! (King Of Athens, Thesee, Aegle)
- Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Sheehan,Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe
- 17
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 5: Que L'Hymen Prepare Des Noeuds Pleins D'Attraits (King Of Athens, Chorus, Thesee, Aegle, Cleone, Arcas)
- Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Paul O'Dette,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Aaron Engebreth,Amanda Forsythe
- 18
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 6: Vous N'Estes Pas Encore Delivrez De Ma Rage (Medee)
- Stephen Stubbs,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus
- 19
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 7: Secourez-Nous, Justes Dieux! (Chorus)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus
- 20
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 7: Prelude
- Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Amanda Forsythe
- 21
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 8: Le Ciel Veut Ecarter (High Priestess Of Minerva)
- Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette
- 22
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 8: Vivez, Vivez Contents (High Priestess Of Minerva, Chorus Of Divinities In Glory, Chorus Of Athenians In The Palace)
- Aaron Engebreth,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Stephen Stubbs,Aaron Sheehan,Amanda Forsythe,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette
- 23
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 8: Premier Air Pour La Derniere Entree
- Paul O'Dette,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Amanda Forsythe,Stephen Stubbs,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Engebreth
- 24
Lully: Thesee - Act V Scene 8: Second Air - Le Plus Sage (Arcas, Cleone)
- Boston Early Music Festival Chorus,Paul O'Dette,Stephen Stubbs,Amanda Forsythe,Aaron Sheehan,Boston Early Music Festival Orchestra,Aaron Engebreth
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